On the background of the events taking place in the world, changes are observed in the prices of non-food products. The State Service for Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control under the Ministry of Economy continues comprehensive measures to ensure that the requirements of antitrust law are not violated and unfair competition is not allowed.
As part of these measures, the State Service sent requests to businesses to provide the necessary documentation and information during the research in the market of mobile phones.
State Service have filed a lawsuit against “IRSHAD ELECTRONICS” LLC, “Integral” CJSC, “Soliton LTD” LLC and “ELCORE DISTRIBUTION AZ” LLC for failure to submit the required documents and information on request.
On April 7, the case against “IRSHAD ELECTRONICS” LLC was considered, relevant instructions were given and financial sanctions were imposed on the business entity.
The results of the review of cases on other economic entities will be announced and posted on the official website of the State Service (https://competition.gov.az/en/page/melumat-merkezi/faydali/baxilacaq-islerin-cedveli).