Advertisement activities

Carrying out state control over the activities of advertisement (excluding outdoor advertisement) has been identified as one of the main activities of the Service.

"About advertisement"

The Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan establishes the legal basis for relations in the field of ordering, production (production) and distribution of advertisement, their control and regulation, as well as self-regulation in the field of advertisement.

This Law shall apply to the relations arising between the subjects of advertisement activity in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic in connection with ordering, production, distribution, consumption of advertisement and political advertisement, delivery to consumers provided by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic information on exporter, name, type, composition and rules of use, date of manufacture and shelf life, storage conditions, advertisements of legal entities and individuals not related to commercial activities, editorial-publication, inquiry-information not intended for sale of goods on the market and without social advertisement and analytical materials, non-advertisement and non-advertisement information of state bodies, municipalities, boards and indicators that do not contain advertisement information, works of science, literature and art.

Advertisement. Information disseminated in order to attract the attention of advertisement consumers to the object of advertisement in any form using various means and methods, to form and maintain interest, to promote the product in the market and to stimulate sales.

 General requirements for advertisement are:

  1. Advertisement must attract the attention of consumers to the product by methods and means not prohibited by the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Advertisement", create demand for it by providing information about the product and forming an opinion.

  2. Advertisement should stimulate consumers' choice of goods, not deceive them, not create a sense of confusion, not damage the market reputation of other goods produced by competitors, identical to the advertised product or its substitute

  3. Goods whose production (sale) is licensed and certified may be advertised only if they have the relevant supporting documents. In this case, the advertisement must indicate the number of the license and certificate, the date of issue and the name of the issuing authority.

  4. Advertisement must not incite open calls against the state, treason, terrorism, violence, aggression, national moral values, human life and health, honor and dignity, religious and political beliefs, public safety, and actions that may harm the environment. Distortion of state symbols and attributes of the Republic of Azerbaijan, contradicting ethical norms should not be allowed in advertisement.

  5. Advertisement is not allowed to support the goods by state and local self-government bodies, state-owned or dependent commercial and non-commercial organizations, public legal entities, extra-budgetary funds or their officials.

  6. Advertisement of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, pornography, tobacco and tobacco products and other products prohibited by this Law is not allowed.

  7. The advertisement must comply with the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On State Language”. At the request of the advertiser, in addition to the state language of the Republic of Azerbaijan, other languages ​​may be used in the text of the advertisement placed on advertisement devices. In this case, the text in a foreign language must be placed after the text in the state language, not larger than the area covered by the text in the state language. The trademark and geographical indication expressed in the text in other languages ​​must be indicated in the form registered by the body (institution) determined by the relevant executive authority.

  8. Advertisement devices must not disturb the comfort of people, endanger the movement of vehicles, meet the technical requirements established by the relevant executive authority. The advertising device can be used only for the purpose of advertisement.

  9. Advertisement devices must not disturb the comfort of people, endanger the movement of vehicles, meet the technical requirements established by the relevant executive authority. The advertisement device can be used only for the purpose of advertisement.

  10. Advertisement shall use only units of measurement permitted for use in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the price of goods shall be indicated in the currency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (excluding duty-free shops).

Consumers can contact the Service if they come across illegal advertisements.