The State Service Antimonopoly and Consumer Market Control under the Ministry of Economy continues its monitoring of the compliance of the actual weight of bread with the weight indicated on the label in the consumer market.
A citizen's appeal to the State Service about the fact that the actual weight of the bread produced by "Bakery" LLC sold at "Bizim Market" is less than the weight indicated on the label was investigated and it was determined that the consumer was deceived about the weight. A protocol on administrative error was drawn up regarding "Bizim Market" LLC. The protocol and materials collected on the case were sent to the relevant court for legal assessment.
For your information, we inform you that the State Service has sent a request to the heads of large bread manufacturers and trade networks regarding the indication of the weight in the packaging of the bread and compliance of the actual weight with the weight indicated on the label, and compliance with the legislation has been requested.
Note that according to the current legislation, consumers have the right to obtain complete and correct information about the quantity, variety and quality of goods, works or services. The seller (producer) must correctly inform consumers about the mass or weight, main dimensions, volume and quantity of the products. Otherwise, physical persons should be fined from 350 manats to 500 manats, officials from 1500 manats to 2000 manats, and legal entities from 4000 manats to 6000 manats.